January 22, 2006


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IGO launches scholarship

The Igorot Scholarship Program (ISP) is pleased to announce that it will commence operation this coming academic year 2006-2007. A project of the Igorot Global Organization (IGO), the ISP is intended to enable needy, deserving and outstanding Igorot students to attend of the State Universities and Colleges (SUC) in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR). IGO is a worldwide organization of Igorots, the popular collective designation of the indigenous ethnic groups in CAR.

During the inaugural 2006-2007 acadamic year, ISP will offer six scholarships and study grants for the entire CAR. But it intends to increase the number of supported students in the coming years to as many as funds would allow. The scholarship is presently worth P7,000 a year except at Benguet State University (BSU) in which it is P8,500 in recognition of the fact that tuition and fees are more expensive there. The study grant, therefore, covers tuition and other school fees and some incidental expenses depending on location. As in the case of a number of scholarships, the monetary amount can be increased in the future to the extent warranted by the circumstances and allowed by the availability of funds.

The scholarship is construed as a four-year deal but maybe shorter or longer than that period depending upon the program of study being pursued, but not to exceed five years. It is renewable on a yearly basis based on sound academic performance of at least B- average at full load. The fields of study considered acceptable cover a wide range from the sciences (agriculture, forestry, environmental science), to the social sciences (sociology and anthropology with emphasis on Igorot cultural studies, mythology, religious beliefs and practices), to technology (engineering and information technology), to economics and business (entrepreneurship, hotel administration and tourism). Other fields may be supported at the discretion of the scholarship board.

The ISP board of trustees consists of Albert Bacdayan, Ph D, chair, Elmo Cariño, co-chair, Raleign Agdaca, BelmStrebel Andal, Ray Baguilat, Michael Bengwayan, Ph D, Mildered Dacog, Ursula Daoey, Rev. Antonio Gomowad and Dorothy Pucay.

Candidates should be of indigenous ethnicity (Apayoa, Benguet, Bontoc-Mt. Province, Ifugao, Kalinga, Tinguian-Abra) and will be drawn from the entire CAR. Aside from indigenous ethnicity, prospective candidates should be deemed to be economically challenged or poor, academically outstanding and interested in attending a Cordillera state institution of higher education.

Interested applicants may write to request application forms from Ursula Daoey, Brent School, Baguio City. Completed forms together with required documents and letters of recommendation are to be returned to her also at the same address. Deadline for submitting applications is on March 15. Successful candidates will be announced on April 1. #

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