June 5, 2005


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Revisiting Innabuyog Daycare

As a two year old, I learned that there was more than just the “chupon” and why my mom had to wrap my waist with those white flags that usually wave under the sun. After two years, I learned that those flags are called diapers.

And then mom had to leave me with strangers who never frown and call me cute. And then I learned that everyone like me was cute. And then I learned how to sing ABC DEF G H IJK LMMMOPi. And then Apple, Kalabaw…. But was long ago methinks. I even forgot those other cute little tots. And those tall people who my mom always talked to before leaving me behind. But of course, I am now another typical grown up that needs to fight for a niche in this worldly place as I learn to tread the way of life. Innabuyog Daycare Center, that’s where I got to learn how to walk alone.

Last May 15 Innabuyog Daycare called on all the alumni for a simple reunion. There was Kirol my cousin who never got to smile and constantly wailed until breaktime. There was Kristoff who I remember used to sleep until dismissal. There was Tsao-ang, a girl who they introduced to me, they said we used to be classmates, but I don’t remember her.

And there was Teacher Tess who never frowned. I also noticed Tita Alice wasn’t there, but it’s cool, I see her in family reunions, she took care of me even until elementary.

Innabuyog got to mold us into these new individual personalities who are now currently finding new footholds, constantly learning how to hold on, knowing how to slip and how to fall. I still do not know what Innabuyog means. Perhaps sooner, when I get to tell this story (of a day care center that became part of my life) to my grandchildren. By that time perhaps I would know more than what Innabuyog meant. # Jullian W. Okubo for NORDIS

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